Thursday, December 4, 2008

Zen Stampede..........

After saying good-bye to my seasonally attired bust...........I had to go back inside because a wise blogger never leaves home without........

the camera...........otherwise they might miss this secluded overgrown garden in Pompeii..........

or this surreal plush green vineyard carpet..............
And these rows of marching red fire ants.....................
or Kung Fu Panda .......................
Or .........a zen stampede.............
Further down the road I would not want to miss.........where an aluminum fishing boat went off the curve and magically became a viking ship.......pointed upwards at both ends........... this place will be forever known as Eddie's curve.
And............last, but not least I would very much like to capture the row of stakes piled high........lined up, and ready to burn in preparation for the upcoming Feast of Saturnalia..........the most festive of Roman Pagan celebrations.

Reality becomes imagination through's way more fun than just seeing what is..........


lorhen82 said...

Or maybe it's "Kung Moo Panda!" LOL


Tinsell and Whimsy said...

OK lorhen82.........I give up..... I tried to track you down, to leave you a high five for such a clever remark left on my comment page. Wit is always worth seeking out. You have good taste in music! So, if you return here...........Thanks for your great pun!

lorhen82 said...

Hi Sue...High five right back at'cha! Glad you enjoyed my silliness!
