Something to keep you entertained.........on a long winter's night in between.............bursts of artistic creativity...............AND
I have been known to make a few shadow gestures myself.......but enough about that! This is great fun to do, providing you are double jointed in some cases.......... But Wait it does not cost you $19.99. Think of the fun you could also have being the life, and, or the entertainment at your next gathering. What a way to surround yourself with a crowd...before you know it you might be signing autographs. I became invisible once at a party, and played a whole game of tennis in a living room full of people, without them knowing, seriously,...(oh those parties from the past)......this is much easier to do than that. Could also be a workout, or warm up for those hands on a chilly morning before working in the studio. Let your hands be your guide. Artistic people it's always about the hands!
Hey there Susie Q! The holidays are over! Did you survive ALL the shows you were in! why was I not surprized to see you at the Michael deMeng workshop? That must have been right up your ally....too fun. Could we make an early pack, that this year we will get together more than last? I'm purging or at least attempting too since we are MOVING! Want anything? Fabrics, junk, craft stuff, first borns? Can I live in your barn? Lots to catch up on.....
Old-Timey Fun!
Hey there Susie Q! The holidays are over! Did you survive ALL the shows you were in!
why was I not surprized to see you at the Michael deMeng workshop? That must have been right up your ally....too fun. Could we make an early pack, that this year we will get together more than last?
I'm purging or at least attempting too since we are MOVING! Want anything? Fabrics, junk, craft stuff, first borns?
Can I live in your barn? Lots to catch up on.....
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