Monday, October 20, 2008

Your Political Alter Ego!

I have the perfect solution for all your political discussions in these trying times..........TA DA it's Scoopy. Scoopy the political commentator...........(hey, a little aside, another type of tater tot.......a common tater...........see the tater tots from a past post for an explanation) Anyway.........Scoopy is loved, and he has never met a friend he did not know. Yet, he is also feared by all, for his to the point, straight scooping commentary on daily polictical events. He is an advocate of free speech to the max, and affords whomever is holding him the ability to express themselves without the fear of reprisal.........rebuttle, however, maybe. You too can have your own Scoopy............just find an old ice cream scoop, and go to town.........well, not literally, but then again maybe literally if you need some supplies to create a personality for Scoopy. Remember the old chant I scream......You Scream........We all scream for Ice Cream.........well, that old chant never held more meaning than now. I scream Rules!


Kristin said...

haha scoopy is a cutie..thank you for visiting my party the other day, it was great to have you..;p

Celestial Charms said...

Love your scoopy. I bet he can't wait for election day! I really admire your blog.

Anonymous said...

Does he serve many flavors? This election is chock full o' new ones. I have a favorite but I'll keep him to myself. We wouldn't want a run on the store now would we? Hmmm...maybe we would.

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

great idea! We need scoopy in my household!

Betzie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Scoopy is a cutie...
Have a great Halloween!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Scoopy is too cute!
And I hopped around your blog and love your work! You are so creative!
I'm also interested in your winery--we just tasted our first strawberry wine ever--and it's not bad! It's just a hobby for my husband. We have muscadine grapes that he has made into wine, and except for the fruitfly problem, it was fun!
