Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Northern California Story Kind of Like Westside Story

I feel pretty..........Oh so prettyI feel pretty and witty and wise............but that partial song refrain is not going to cut it when I am faced with creating a new blog post. For I fear at this point it will be Much Ado About Nothing..........I am working to the left of me working to the right of me back in the saddle again........The American Folk Art Festival will be upon me soon so will my daughter's wedding, and a million other things. I took a brief break from studio work tonight, as wedding planning reared its head. I plan to be right back in the studio.........tomorrow.........during my working hours of about 10pm until 2 or 3 am.........the usual studio hours......hopefully many creations will be spawned during this time. I will have a few new things to post soon as I am working like a complete body of work for the show (pun intended)..........some will also be experiments. In the meantime.........I must be content to post a few pictures of things that have been reincarnated from past lives and will be part of the show once again...........
Knock offs of the Knockdowns........... more about sword fighting..........

Bored Feet Just Lumbering Along.......

Buffalo Girl Won't You Come Out Tonight


Circus Mates Hocus and Pocus

Unlike the Fortune Teller.......this is the Don't Do It Teller

Evil Richard the Employee of the Month

In the midnight hour she (being me) cried- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"
That's what I need to do MORE MORE MORE>>>>>>before May 7th Billy and I agree........


Lurena Sheary Williamson said...

Really cool stuff. I love the raw style of your work. We share the same work hours! 10pm to 2amish - HA HA! Happy Creating!
Tattered Moon

burntofferings said...

growing up (and there was even a mention of it in our first book) - i've always referred to my 1st cousin richard who'se 4 days older than me - and NEVER let me forget it - as my evil cousin richard - although now that we're older than dirt - we're close!

Unknown said...

Love it all! And Billy Idol too!